Leffe Beach

Recognized regional product
Zeedijk 153A

Eating a shrimp croquette with a view of the sea: that’s adding a new dimension to the experience. Martine Lesaffre, the driving force behind Leffe Beach, calls this extra dimension the power behind the shrimp croquette. ‘Every chef gives his or her recipe a personal touch. A touch of heat, extra seasoning. Ours is an ultra-traditional recipe, which is a bit less outspoken so that the many children who visit us can also enjoy them. However, it’s imperative that you keep the natural flavour of those delectable shrimps on the foreground. Did you know that we used this recipe in our very first restaurant, founded 35 years ago? It had been handed down through generations of chefs to the chef we employed then.’ Leffe Beach also offers ‘Sampler bites’: smaller versions of their shrimp croquette for visitors with a smaller appetite.